Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Where is baseball played in Peru?

As unbelievable as it may sound, even though the Peruvian Baseball Federation has existed for 93 years it currently does not own a single piece of land. The three baseball fields run by the Federation are lent, and only one of them is suitable for official competition. This is the case of the field in the Lima district of San Luis, which is also where the Federation's headquarters are located. It hosts the most important games of national and international tournaments for players of all ages.

The park is part of a sports complex which belongs to the National Sports Institute and is right next to the Olympic track and field site. Rumors say that the baseball field could be lost if Peru is selected to host the next Panamerican games. If that is the case, a sort of Olympic Village would be built on the baseball park to acomodate the international delegations coming for the event.

The secod most important spots site used by the Federation is the one in Callao. It is not exclusively used for baseball since it is also rented by the Peruvian Sports Institute to different soccer clubs. It even holds several music concerts regularily. The field does not get the necessary maintenence and it is inappropriate for competiton. However, half of the official games of first division baseball are played there every year.

The last ball park we have available is in the district of Jesus María. The land belongs to the local government and has been lent to the Federation for a renewable period of 8 years. Bacause of its limited dimensions, it can only hold games for kids up to 14 years of age. The five clubs that currently use the field are trying to do their best to improve its outlook as it lacks electricity, water, sewage and other basic services.
We believe that the time has come for Peruvian baseball to stop depending on the governmet's help to keep the sport alive. It is the clubs who have to take over the situation and start looking for resources so that they can purchase and run their own fields. We hope to count on the cooperation of people, companies, etc. around the world whose contributions would allow us to buy the land and build our first club owned baseball park. Please contact us at

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